Welcome to Langdon Elementary School

Principal HusbandsGreetings Current and Prospective Langdon Families and Guardians,
As the Principal of Langdon Elementary School, it is my pleasure to welcome everyone back for a year of all things possible. I am excited to have once again our hallways filled with students, energy, and enthusiasm. Moreover, I am equally excited to welcome back our phenomenal our parents and guardians.
This year, Langdon, will have two overarching priorities that we’ve already taken steps toward that reflect our need to adjust during this difficult time. First, we are working to ensure we have all health and safety protocols in place that are aligned to guidance set forth from the CDC, The Department of Health and DCPS. This summer, Langdon has taken active steps to pre-educate and reassure our families of all health and safety protocols during our parent Open-Door Tours, Virtual Town Hall Meetings, ECE Play Date and newsletters.
Langdon understands how challenging this year may be for many families. Parents wanting their child back in school; but equally wanting assurance their child is safe. We look forward to having on-going communication with families throughout the school year to provide real time updates as this fluid situation is evolving.
Our 2nd priority is this year will be a continuance of our theme of “Getting back to the Basics” and Rick Dufour’s four principles:
1.  What do we want students to master? 2.  How will we know if they mastered it? 3.  What do we do if students master it? 4.  What do we do if students don’t master it?
 This year, we anticipate many of our students will need additional supports to reach grade level standards after learning virtually for over a year. In order, to accomplish this, we continue to build on our three goals also known as our “Priority Rocks.” Goal one is to establish and or secure strong relationships with all stakeholders (staff, students, and parents. Our second goal is data reflection builds high achievement. By using data as our greatest resource, we will grow every student at least one grade level by effectively diagnosing student’s strengths, growth areas and align instruction to meet their needs. Last, our third goal is to ensure high engagement to build life-long learners. We strive that every student is eager to come to school daily.
Over the last few years, Langdon was Nationally recognized through OSSE as a Distinguished School, identified as a 4 STAR(4 years in a row), Selected as 1 of 10 schools for The OSSE All-Star Tour, and earned  title of “Bold Improvement School”for three consecutive years! As always, our ultimate goal is to move EVERY child DRAMATICALLY.
Langdon is truly, “The Pride or Ward 5”

Principal Husbands

PARENTS: The Panorama Survey is out! Please complete to let us know how we are doing to serve you and your scholar.


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